+2012-04-02+008.JPG) |
The children helped shovel soil from the
garden into trays to plant seedlings.
These trays are now inside, on the light
tray next to the train table. We visit
and water them every day! |
The children looked at and touched
the seeds as we talked about how
the various seeds are different
colors, textures, and sizes. |
Throughout the center, signs of spring are everywhere! One of the most apparent signs that spring is emerging is the preparing and planting of our gardens. In the Infant/Toddler wing, the children have had numerous opportunities to help learn about gardening and plant and care for the seeds. The children explored the different seeds, and helped plant seedlings that are now growing inside. Some seeds also got planted directly into the soil in the outside beds. We are waiting anxiously to see these plants begin to emerge! As our gardens grow, the children will continue to help care for the emerging plants, and eventually help harvest, cook, and eat our produce.
The seeds planted directly into the garden beds
need water to help them grow. The children
help provide the correct amount of water
by pouring from a pre-measured water bottle. |
As our seedlings grew bigger, some of them
needed to be transplanted into larger trays. |