Soon, five-minute warnings that cleanup time was coming were heard. In one room, one of the teachers left the room to run an “errand, providing an opportunity for the ever-popular cleanup game, surprise the teacher. Could the children clean up before the teacher came back? Materials were put away quickly, as every shelf and bin is labeled with pictures and words. After everything was put away, the lights were turned off, and the children hid, silently. “Here she comes!” another teacher whispered. “Where did everyone go?” wondered the returning teacher. The class yelled, “Surprise!”
After Hootenanny the children rushed back to their classrooms to put on all of their winter gear so that they could play in the snow. Outside, children slid down snow-covered slides, and rode sleds down the small hill on the playground. Teachers pulled other sleds full of children around the space. Red-cheeked and hungry, the children trooped back inside, stripped off snow pants and boots, and ate lunch. The morning was over.